We know our life-experiences may be different but when we walk with Jesus, our destination is the same! At Reynolda Church, our mission is to help you discover your true identity in Jesus– to help you learn who you really are and the difference you can make in this world. We also believe we make the biggest impact by working together! We're excited to get to know you. Visit one of our safe, judgment-free spaces where you will meet friendly people. Campus locations include Winston-Salem, Clemmons, Kernersville and King!

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The Five Levels of Facing Fear

The truth will set you free. Do you need more freedom today? Freedom from gnawing anxiety, relentless temptation, debilitating fears? Freedom maybe from some invisible fence around your life that is holding you back? The truth will set you free. The truth is as near as your next thought! Freedom can be as near as your next thought!

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